Monday, August 2, 2010

Flashing My Shorts...a short review on Amazon

Buttaci Walks Where Only the Brave Dare Go, August 1, 2010
By R. Rubenstein "RJR" (looking for a place) - See all my reviews

This review is from: Flashing My Shorts (Paperback)
Flashing My Shorts is a delightful potpourri of a natural poet. Buttaci's stories are really snapshots that he takes with a camera that dances playfully from the strings of his heart. Be it a broken WW2 Vet who saw his buddies die at Normandy or an anguished Indian tale, Buttaci follows headlong where others will put a dime in the cup and pass along. We don't usually like to see the grime amidst the glittering sidewalk. But not this one man wrecking crew. Whether feeling for the anguish of a wolfman or a doomsayer in the Big Apple, Sal goes where no man goes. Into the bars, into the subterranean parts of the city, he leaves us breathless , not just from the discovery of a rare find, but of ourselves, accepting humankind in all its odd shapes and folds. There is familiarity in his prose. I know I met these spectres before.I'm glad Sal's camera keeps them in our heart. (Robert Rubenstein, Author, Ghost Runners -to be published this fall by ATTMP)

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