“Each must journey for himself to the country whose margin lies just beyond the bounds of our everyday life, and yet is as strange and as vast as the sea.”
A Navajo with a weather-beaten dark face and hooked nose, Jo Elm’s eyes were bloodshot. Tourism was sharply down, and he hadn’t expected a customer that Sunday. He had spent the weekend in ceremonials, blessings, and sweat lodges west of Taos. In a way, he had not come back from there. Rattling his gourd in the front of the jeep, Jo Elm jerked back and forth and sang mystical chants even in front of his new customers.
He said he wanted cash, one hundred twenty dollars for two. It would be a three hour journey over rock and mud and occasional quicksand through impossible climbs, hidden paths, herds of wild horses, and cows out for grazing. The Rock Canyon was still very much alive, but tourism was down. Jo Elm had been doing tour work for over twenty-five years. There was a time he would make ten thousand dollars a month...cash. Now, once, maybe twice a month, some crazy American who wanted to feel he knew what an Indian was like would pay him money to see Tsegi through Navajo eyes. Back from the ceremonial west of Taos and being part of that sorry business at the intertribal festival in Gallup, Jo Elm’s mind was already exploding when he saw the man and his female companion who were “haunted by ghosts.”
Sure, Jo Elm said he respected the ghosts and the kachinas, the spirits that came to give and take. He said the spirit of the Dine began in prayer and song. In the beginning the Navajo had wings to fly; they flew between the five worlds as air spirits in the wind. The first four worlds were the colors black, blue, yellow and white. The fifth world was the reflected world seen today. It glittered with the promise of gold. The holy people came to greet the wind spirited people. They came together to recreate beauty and harmony. The ancestors of the Dine were part of the trees, the clouds, the waters and the mountains.
He was descended from four clans, one of which came from Canada. But really there was no pure Dine. During hard times, they had enemies who took their most valuable resources. The enemy tribes wanted their livestock, their harvest, and their women and children. The Spaniards also used them as slaves and the Americans as servants. But the Dine kept to their culture and old ways.
“We will be like a rock a river has to go around.”
The Americans liked to use the Navajo because the people knew the land. Not like the Americans who only knew places, general geography. The Dine knew every hill, every stone, and every ridge.
To the people who still lived there, the canyon was known as Tsegi, Holy Land. Spider Rock was their holiest site. It was there that the hero twins Monster Slayer and Child Born of Water visited the wise Spider Woman. She gave them gifts and special songs to take to Father Sun, and to Mother Earth. She also taught the women how to weave.
The Dine lived among the Anasazi in the old world. They learned from them how to make great cities. Using their masonry, they built publitos on the high cliffs of the Tsegi. Clans of the Navajo, the Dine, joined together from the pueblos. In Taos, New Mexico, the Navajo were known as the Edgewater, and from Jemez, the Coyote Pass Way. Descendents, they were thought to be, even of Ishmael, and through him, had Semitic roots. The Dine were the people who came to plant for the harvest, to be blessed by the Kachinas. They stayed within the borders of the four sacred mountains. The Tsegi, in the Rock Canyon by the Chacos Mountains was the spiritual fortress of the Navajo.
Coronado and the Conquistadors brought forced baptism and took what resources they needed. Many of the subsequent Navajo raids along the Rio Grande were in retaliation against the Spanish, the Mexicans and the tribes: the Utes, Shoshonis, Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, and Peyutes who carried on slave raids against the people.
Into the 1860’s when a great emancipation was bringing freedom for black people who came to America as slaves, the people who were born there indigenous and free, were being handpicked, and in many instances, forced to become like slaves. By 1860, most New Mexican families owned at least one Navajo slave. Women were forced to weave slave blankets at the whims of their masters. The Navajo’s raids were in retaliation for the outrage.
So when Jo Elm talked about his clan, he did so with the uncertainty that came from the higher stories told about his people and the mixed blood that was forced to flow from its veins. The Salts were on Jo Elm’s maternal side. His mother told the story when the grasses were high and the land was greener. It would take much time for the planting and the harvest to compare with those better days when the orchids were blessed before the soldiers came. She told him her grandmother’s name was Tall in the Mud. His father was from Cottonwood over three hills away in the highway and by the standing white rock in the mountains adrift with sandstone.
His father used to drink a lot. One day, he told him, he was out walking between the standing rock and the juniper pine that could be seen from the hogans in the field where his cousins and aunts stayed. He knew exactly where he found with full body armor, a sword and a skeleton of a conquistador. He visited the place but did not touch the remains. It was bad medicine, he said.
“My grandfather said the white man poured concrete over the earth so the earth can’t breathe anymore,” he said.
In his jeep, Jo Elm seemed to be half-asleep from the late night bender. He didn’t make eye contact, but pushed impatiently with his hands for the pair to get into the jeep. His hands were large and strong as were the rest of Jo Elm’s features. Wearing a black T-Shirt that said, Dine Nation, Jo Elm had grey-black straight back hair tied into a pony-tail.
The word curmudgeon might apply for his manner was gruff but his grip on reality was unmistakably clear.
“Yahaate. You o.k. you look tired,”Jo Elm said, his own eyes half closed.
“I am very tired,” the man said.
His sunglasses hid his eyes and since Navajo custom did not enjoy eye contact anyway, both had to feel their way toward each other. The woman with him was wrapped in scarves and blankets. She walked very lightly as if she did not have a particular hold on the earth. A hint, only, of a familiar fragrance, alerted Jo Elm to the feminine presence. The woman silently went into the back seat, her eyes hidden.
“Bad Sleep, eh? Come, inside. You have water? Put in the back.”
“You want me to sit.”
“In the front.”
There were many tour guides who waited like coyotes outside. They circled around the parking lot nervously waiting for white customers.
“Any of those guys talk to you?” he asked, with one eye, eyeing one in a black cowboy hat.
“They’d get no food, nada,” Jo Elm said.
Some were so thin they already appeared to be starving.
The tourist had to go with Jo Elm into the visitor’s center to get a permit. The site had Indian artifacts, bones, bits of Navajo clothes, blankets. A park ranger or authorized guide needed to accompany him. Known in modern times as the Canyon D’ Chelley National Monument, Native Americans in park uniforms wrote out a pass. They knew Jo Elm by his grunts and grizzly “Yaatee,” Navajo for “Good-Morning.’”
He saw a friend outside.
‘”How,” he said, raising his hand palms up.
“How,” the man answered.
“I want to know what that means,” the tourist said.
“It’s a joke,” Jo Elm answered, but did not laugh.
The tourist bought a tape. He wanted to hear some Indian music for the long trip. He asked for advice, and the parks worker shifted over, lowered her glasses and came up with one. The first song was a Navajo rendition of “God Bless America.”
The canyon, he knew, was rough, muddy, unmarked roads through agonized, twisting paths between mountain and trees. Many vehicles were caught in the mud or in the flash flood storms that often came suddenly. Just that week, a tornado was seen rolling into the fields around Cottonwood. He sat in the front and braced himself with tight fists. He was glad to see a handlebar for him to hold.
One of his hands had a wrap around bandage for his right wrist.
“That singer, she’s O.k. I know her whole family. Bine and Curtis. Tao and Dewann. I’m much better.”
To prove his point, Jo Elm played his own tape.
“Composed, produced and written by me.”
The chants began as Jo Elm drove the jeep past the sweet sage on the side of the muddy roads into the yellow fields toward Spider Rock. Jo Elm said the rules by rote.
“No taking pictures of any live person. You see dead people, you decide. No disturbance of artifacts, plants or livestock.”
He pointed out the brush willows along the way on the side of the choppy mud water. The water, he said, lied four feet underground and provided nourishment for the cottonwoods and the pinions and the plants that grew to bring good medicine. Later came the salt cedar and the Russian olive trees. That yellowish vine was usually a mystery to Russian tourists. There were no olives in Russia. And some said the invasive trees sapped more water than it saved.
Jo Elm had a fine singing voice. Navajo words rose and fell in special cadences. The first verse was higher than the rest. As the song on the tape changed from Navajo chants to English words, Jo Elm suddenly became awake. He had a gourd or rattle that he stopped the jeep to play. On either side a three foot mudslide made the goings uncertain. But Jo Elm could not care less. He shook the rattle with both hands, his small black eyes drifting toward his prominent nose and the suddenly appearing burrows in his forehead. At first, he seemed in control of the gourd. His body shook rhythmically with the bead like sounds. Soon though, the rattle seemed to shake him. Up and down, Jo Elm fell into a swoon. He no longer saw his paying guest. Then, with his own music still playing and shifting in his seat, he pointed a long, lone finger toward the tape deck and said his own words.
“Mommy loves you. Daddy loves you,” were the words Jo Elm sang.
The patched mud tour had a jerky ride reminiscent of a roller coaster at an amusement park. But that place was not for laughs. The twists and turns into and out of mud, some said to be quicksand, took an expert driver to navigate. He passed a group of natives bathing in the shallow waters. When they saw the white man, the oldest gave a hostile glance. Up a hill at five miles an hour, Jo Elm came tumbling down. He was in control, even when the vehicle was stuck for a while between the cavernous cliffs and the muddy road awash with the rush of silt and water.
Then he stopped the jeep again. He shook his upper body in the rhythm of the gourd. He sat that way for a time until the gourd moved him again. His body shook to the furious speed the gourd demanded. Spent finally by exhaustion, Jo Elm sat still for quite a while, his eyes closed.
“I want to hear about,” said the Tourist, looking into the back seat, then whispering, “Kit Carson.”
Jo Elm seemed to ignore him. He listened intently to his own song. At the right moment, he sang and mimed the words he heard. He pointed with two hands to his eyes, his heart, and pretended sleep with his palms poised under his chin.
“Look with your eyes, daddy, hear with your heart, mommy. Under the sky, sleep in the wind.”
Jo Elm wanted the tourist to join in the chorus, but he was too deep into his own thoughts. Only the woman in the back seat heard the words as a dream. She had already fallen into a deep sleep near the water jugs.
“Outside,” Joe Elm, said.
“The other way, “he said. He wanted the customer to stay in the shade.
“Listen to the land,” he said.
His face was downcast, his eyes deep inside, his body not stirring.
The tourist was glad to hear the stillness of the high sandstones and the darkened cliffs that hid from the sun. In the mouth of the canyon, he searched the volcanic core of Black Rock Butte and the spires of the Chuska Mountains that skied toward blue horizons. There was the sweet smell of sage, but not a whisper from a cottonwood. Even the flow of the water seemed to cease. Jo Elm had brought with him the peace the tourist had sought here at the mouth of civilization, in the dome of the cathedral of the high cliffs. With no elevator, ancient civilizations carved out a life, leaving pictographs, hundreds of feet high. How could they transport themselves even higher? In the distance, the white house, la Casa Blanca, loomed between straight cliffs that skied to a precipice. Bones had been discovered there. The climbers held ceremonials in the round tivas outside their homes. By degrees, corn, squash, peaches were grown from people who began to harness the life flow of water.
The time for him was well spent in silence and the aftershocks of the events that had happened in the weeks, even the months and years that had come before. He gained strength from the withered face of his host whose eyes were closed and faraway. Jo Elm had been raised in this place. His were the ancestors still palpable. The dizzying domes with muted orange earth tones interspersed with small greenery that jutted like hair from a sculptured face seemed to be a mirage. How did life transport itself from the mouth of a small stream that had flowed for millions of years? The master builder was the sea that nourished and transformed the beds of mud into the high cliffs of surrounding stones. Not every tone was the same. Hidden cliffs or those more saturated had dark almost blackened orange faces.
He knew he wasn’t the typical tourist. He had not bathed in days and his jeans were as faded as any smile he had had when he first came to the southwest. Only vestigial was his want to still fulfill his initial purpose. He wanted to find the Indian ways, but it had already cost him his passion and his soul.
He felt an itch on his nose. A horsefly had found a temporary home, but he did not want to bother Jo Elm’s concentration. The silence that came from the earth was profound. Would he ever return east, broken with nothing to teach, less to learn? He came west to write a syllabus. He came west for one last taste of love. He was the cop who botched his last arrest, the professor of justice who was humiliated by a woman. Would he ever go back, injured and insulted? And her, he thought, holding back tears. But he did not look into the jeep where she was sleeping.
Jo Elm’s hands were closed into a fist. His eyes tight, he was gaining strength from the land and the surrounding cliffs. His straight hair was as thin as the willow brush or sage, the bundles the Natives carried to purify themselves. But nothing about his gruff manner offered any hope or serenity. His was the anguished brow of a servant, not a master. But Elm knew the way.
“The spirits love you. Kachinas love you. The sacred mountains love you,” he sang. Echoes resounded in the canyon walls. Jo Elm’s face had exploded with voice, here in the place of the voiceless. It was rock& roll, acapela in the land of his ancestors.
“Why did you leave me, baby,” sang Jo Elm.
The tourist did not understand the irony. Around the white pueblo cliff dwelling was a natural amphitheater. From the fields and the fenced off areas that protected the buildings and artifacts, room for twenty thousand could easily be made. Jo Elm was in spiritual heaven.
“Come, I teach you, Navajo,” he said, opening his eyes.
“Atastsii bee iinaanii,” he sang. “Now you. Weiyanaa’ahei.”
The song was traditional about how corn grows and how there must be harmony between Mother Earth, Father Sky and nature. But the tourist felt ill at ease, distressed before nature. He thought he was suffering from dysentery of the soul. Despite the purity of his surroundings, he was decayed, more dead than alive. He wanted to say her name, to sing, like Jo Elm,
“Why did you leave me, baby,” to hear it ricochet off the celestial stones. But he didn’t want to disturb the tranquil sleep of his companion.
“Stand here,” Jo Elm said.
He handed binoculars to the tourist.
“No, thank you.” he said.
Jo Elm thought about that. What kind of white man did not want to see a thirteen hundred year old ruin. It sobered him.
“Is she your woman?” Jo Elm said.
“She’s been sick. I’ve been helping her,” the tourist said.
“What’s the lady’s problem?”
“She’s in trouble.”
“You’re not from hereabouts.”
“No, my daughter is now. She works in Gallup.”
“Gallup. Lots of trouble came to Gallup back last week.”
The tourist changed his mind.
“Binoculars, please,” he said.
Jo Elm paused.
“You’re in trouble, mister,” he said, “heaps of trouble.”
“What do you know?”
Elm thought, but said nothing. He held fast the gourd with both hands. He said in a sing-song voice, holding and beating the rattle softly.
“Look with your eyes by the hill to the rock where they painted their sorrow on the cliffs: two suns’ and one moon, the storyteller said the battle was two days. The Dine had no weapons in the Canyon de Muerto. It is not a battle, but a massacre site. The Spanish had flat-brimmed hats and rode pintos. They carried lances and muskets. In the name of Jesus, they came with crosses spreading death. Those are the soldiers painted on the walls of the Canyon de Muerto, the Navajo say it is the place where two fell, in the Canyon de Muerto, the canyon of death. They came to kill Navajo, or to make us slaves. But Navajo women and children were safe high in the cliffs and the Spaniards were walking the other way. Then a crazy woman called them back, they say. She cursed the Spaniards. She yelled out to them. She called them blind for not seeing their hideaway cave. Hearing her voice, a soldier climbed the rock talus toward the top of that mountain. Quien sade, who knows what happened next, but maybe she rushed him with hatred. Maybe they struggled and fell. Maybe they were pushed by angry spirits. Maybe by Jesus. But they both fell like flaming arrows and the Spaniards knew about the cave where the people were hiding.”
“The Canyon de Muerto,” the tourist said.
“Thunder and lightning and bullets rained into the cave. You, you have also killed, huh, stranger.” Jo Elm said.
“I was a cop, when I was young. I had a badge,” the stranger said.
“No, you don’t fool me with your badges. I don’t need no badges,” Joe Elm said.
“What are you talking about?”
“I don’t need no stinkin’ badges,” Jo Elm screamed, the word, “badges” ricocheting along the canyon walls.
They fell into an impasse, alone in the amphitheater, near the canyon of death. But Jo Elm was smiling into a deliciously private, evil joke. He had been imitating a movie which he did not want to share with his customer. He had remembered another line.
“I know you. You the man in the hole,” he said. The tourist walked away, disgusted, kicking dust. Free and wild, three mares, a stallion, and a colt drifted by the fields under the White House ruin. Other guests to the canyon would have snapped a photo. The tourist hardly noticed. He did not kill. He was but a witness, not an accomplice, he thought.
A long time ago he was just another snot nosed cop making busts talking trash. It was drugs, always drugs. Once, he was high, himself on weed, on stakeout –donuts and coffee- studying about justice for night school, trying to make Detective-waiting in the car for a bust to go down. At Two A.M., a perp came around the corner. He was trying to open the front door. The cop’s fire arm was ready to discharge. Any movement and he was wasted. But the perp checked the window and turned to him.
The cold sweats came later when he left the force to teach. In dreams, he saw the handgun and his finger about to squeeze, but his face was serene. He wanted to discharge his weapon. He wanted to kill. In the dream, he saw the houselights shining, the porch lights and that man, another policeman in a stake-out.
“Hey, how’ya doin’?” he said, in the dream. The lights saved that other cop. He recognized him, went bowling with him, came to his house and chewed the fat and ate lasagna with his beautiful wife, Teresa, and jogged with him in Bay Ridge Sunday’s by the water near the Verrazano, and even held the baby, what was his name?
But it wasn’t that way that night in the streets when he wasted his friend, Vinnie Fortuzza.
“You know this place, but not the streets,” the tourist said.
“Trenton, New Jersey,” said Jo Elm, ‘”You know Gene Simmons, man? Family Jewels?”
“Excuse me?”
“Philadelphia P.A.,” said Jo Elm. “Dick Clark, Teenage Bandstand, Rocky, eh, Adrian, why did you leave me, baby?”
The echo resounded around the amphitheater.
“L.A., woman, man,” said Jo Elm.
“Are you really Indian?” the tourist said.
“Peyote Tribe, out of Canada. Now I’m baptized in the Indian Church,”Jo Elm said.
“You are on mescaline,” the tourist said.
“Legal shit, man, peyote, all natural, for Indian ceremonies,” Jo Elm said.
The tourist looked around him and above to the rock where over one hundred Navajo were slaughtered in their homes.
“My mother was a basket weaver, and my father brought on rain,” Jo Elm said.
The tourist was nauseous, but enchanted by the sheer beauty of the solitary cliffs.
“How did you get here?” he said.
“You mean you want to know how I came to be born from my mother and father?” Jo Elm said.
The tourist winced. Jo Elm thought him to be stupid. He was playing the huckster for him. There were those who acted the part, but weren’t native at all. He had seen blue eyed Indians at internet cafes. But this was the place he needed to be, and Elm held the key.
Elm was faster to the draw.
“In 1864, Kit Carson led soldiers from Ft. Wingate into Tsegi with the purpose of having the people of the sacred mountains leave their spiritual home,” Jo Elm said.
“Yes, go on,” said the tourist.
Jo Elm drew a closed smile.
“That would be another hundred dollars,” he said.
“For what?”
“For the truth in your heart,” said Jo Elm, cupping his heart.
“I don’t even think you know about Kit Carson,” the tourist said.
“Well, there’s Kit Carson Boulevard in Taos. There is the town of Carson in Colorado. There’s Carson City in Nevada. And the fourteen peaks over fourteen thousand feet, one of them is named, guess what?”
“Carson never set foot in the Canyon,” the tourist said.
“Carson is here now,” Jo Elm whispered. He walked toward the tourist chest out in a menacing pose. The gourd had a wooden round top. It exploded from sound with even a slight motion from Elm’s massive arms.
“No, you can’t suggest that,” said the tourist.
It was not the Indian way to reveal his thoughts directly. When her lifelong friend, Bertie died, Jo Elm’s mom was asked how.
“Well, Bertie was taking the bath, you know. She was pretty regular about that, I guess. That was why her hair was always so fresh and combed. She liked the bath or maybe a shower, but they found her underneath the water so I guess she must have decided to take the bath. Maybe she had a heart attack. It’s hard being old when the arthritis comes and the legs go out and she had a bump on her head so she must have took the shower. But she was such a lovely woman. A clean, lovely woman,” Jo Elm said, imitating his mother, much like Anthony Perkins in “Psycho,” a Hitchcock classic.
The tourist was disgusted and tired. He needed a bath, but he was surrounded by dust and flies.
“Take us back, man,” he said.
Elm looked straight into his eye.
“There is no turning back. You knew that when you came here. There’s only one way out. The Federales are on the way. You know that. She knows that.” Jo Elm said, one more allusion to the movie he cherished, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.”
“You don’t know anything,” the tourist said.
“I know this, “said Jo Elm, crouching down into the dust. “Kit Carson lives here and now. I know that in my eyes and my heart. I also know there is only one way out.”
“How?” the tourist said.
Jo Elm raised his hand in greeting, laughing his private joke. Then he turned serious.
“In the car,” Jo Elm said.
A hawk flapped its wide wings and soared the rock fortress. During the summer, and into the winter of 1864, the Navajo gathered cottonwood and carried it up the mountains to the high peaks. After another anguished ride in his jeep in which Jo Elm seemed to try to stampede a peaceful herd of grazing cows, they arrived at the last fortress of the Navajo people. The people had believed in the sacred mountains. Only the mountains could save them. Building a chain, they passed the links of their survival to the top of the high sandstone cliffs. They climbed out of the jeep.
“It was there,” pointed Jo Elm, as he gave the tourist his binoculars, “that a human chain climbed the ladders they made to safety.”
The tourist saw what the soldiers down below saw, a human chain moving skyward with little provisions other than the will to live.
“You want the grand tour. You and your....squaw. Five hundred dollars and I take you up there.”
Elm sneered, another line from the movie:
“What’s a matter, you scared?” he said.
The tourist was viewing the clefts of wooden ladders that ascended from the high cliffs to the hidden peaks. He imagined the impossible climb, up the talus footpaths, clawing along smooth sandstone rock with deft feet; one slip and a train of humans behind would fall into the sure death of the canyon floor. But when he looked back, they were not alone.
The woman was visibly with child, but she wore moccasins and took quick steps around Jo Elm. She was agitated in the way her head bent under a grey granny shawl. Swirling in the hot sun, the girl was shrieking. Her voice rose to the cliffs and came back an echo of sweet song.
“I have done nothing, nothing, she said.
Nothing, nothing came, the words echoing again.
Her head covered, her body cloaked with the feathered colored costumes of native tribes, she could not hide the youthful shape within.
“They are looking for you,” Jo Elm said. Then he called her by her name:
“How do you know her?” the tourist asked.
“It’s a small place this Indian land,” Jo Elm said. Then he called him by name.
“What do they want of us?” Elgin said.
“Of you, nothing. You can go back to your lady friend. Teach your course. Play with your kachinas. It is she they want.”
“But she is innocent. What crime did she do?”
Jo Elm thought. The sun had shifted and he squinted his eyes. He gazed at the descended belly. He thought about his own son and sang:
“Baby boy Curtis, daddy loves you.”
Then, slowly at first, then resonating with more passion, Jo Elm beat the gourd again.
“What crime?” screeched Adela, her face exposed, her full lips contorted and her round black eyes fixed in a beautiful, but anguished mask.
Jo Elm beat the gourds faster. He spied the heights, the ladders made by the people, the dizzying fright, and the spite of the soldiers in hot pursuit.
“Sometimes it is a curse just to be borne,” he said.
Elgin stepped forward. He faced the Indian bravely. He had come for an answer. Again he asked the question but in a different way.
“Who was Kit Carson?” Elgin said.
Elm reached down and caught a salamander in his fist. He shook his head and made breathy sounds as if he were shaking off a sudden chill. Holding onto the dusty ground, he had trouble rising. His closed fist was shaking, but this time the salamander, not the rattle was held there. He shook hard and squeezed. His eyes indelicately shone the whites within. Slowly he let the dead creature fall into the dust.
“Kit Carson is here among us,” he said as his eyes fell squarely on Adela.
“How?” said Elgin, but this time Jo Elm only grunted the joke, but did not smile.
“One way ticket, yeah. Are you as strong? Does she have the will to live? To give birth to that child? For five hundred U.S. dollars, I’ll show you the Indian way, to walk in the clouds where the echoes are born.”
Before Elgin could say no, he heard the sounds of horses galloping. The black stallion had found roots along the muddy river and had brought its clan for grazing. But Elgin saw only the dioramas of an ancient civilization. It was a time when soldiers trampled the lives of the people in an apocalyptic vision. He would have to go among the ruins toward the heights under the sky to hide from his more modern day pursuers. There, he would unravel the mysteries about what happened to him, and to bring these events to a right conclusion. Meanwhile, he would shelter that woman with her black eyes of constant sorrow. Her young heart beat with living life, however dark the lineage of the child about to be born.
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